VHF DSC Radio Tutor plus Simulator
VHF Short Range Certificate Tutor and Simulator in a discount bundle. You benefit from guided learning of the VHF DSC Tutor, plus the unlimited practice in radio operation from the VHF DSC Simulator. Learn and practice marine VHF radio at a bargain price with this popular pack.
Complete Training Pack
Step-by-Step animations explain the VHF and Digital Selective Calling systems. Realistic hands-on practice including distress and urgency alert procedures.

Audio Examples
Correct radio procedures are demonstrated with full audio examples. Learn all the "pro-words" used to clarify radio communication and hear them in context.
Guided Learning System
Follow the animated guide and ensure correct steps to operate each function on the fully-modelled VHF radios. Transmit, receive and all procedures covered.
Send and Receive Alerts
Detailed simulation of VHF radio, plus a remote station let you practice the right way to send out every type of DSC Alert, or to handle them when received
Practice Distress Working
Mayday Distress situations demand instinctive action, but you cannot practice on a real radio. The Simulator can send and receive DSC Distress Alerts in safety.
Introduction to GMDSS
Global Maritime Distress and Safety System ensures all major vessels have the appropriate methods of communication wherever they sail around the world.